Vision & Values
The motto of Abhinav Education Society is “Vidya Sarvasya Bhushnam”. In keeping with this motto, our institution’s purpose is to prepare good citizens, who can serve the society and country with global competencies.
The institution has displayed following mission, vision and values on the board.
Vision Statement
In a caring and positive environment Abhinav Education Society provides education to empower our students to recognize and optimize their full potential to achieve personal standard of academic work as well as in supportive areas of physical, cultural and social development, inculcating civic as well as human values.
Mission Statement
We endeavor (strive) to develop Pupil Teachers having qualities like; Active & Creative Mind All round development of Pupil Teachers – Physical, Emotional, Mental, Moral, Social, Cultural, Spiritual and Intellectual. Develop research attitude and competencies in teaching pedagogy. Guide the community by acting as an agent of social change and nurture students.
Compassion for others, sense of responsibility and adherence to code of ethics for teachers. Strong qualities of faith, unity and discipline. Trained manpower in technology and its application in day to day classroom teaching. Promote learning inside and outside the classroom.
The institution tries to inculcate & promote the following values among its stakeholder such as modesty, sensitivity, neatness, social equality, national integration. Social justice, scientific attitude, dignity of labor, gender equality, etc.
The main purpose of this is to imbibe the appropriate values which commensurate with social, cultural, economical & environmental realities at the local, national & global level.